Thursday, September 23, 2010

Oh, How I've Missed You

It has been a while Blogger since I have seen you.  It has been a long time since I have been here.  What has happened you ask?  Nothing really.  It isn't you, its me.  The busier I get the more you are neglected and for that I am sorry.  I am trying to update and continue recording the memories that I don't want to forget.  So, here are a few that I thought I would share.
Jackson is in 'school' now!!! Yea!  He goes two days a week for four hours a day.  It really has been such a blessing for him and for me.  I actually have some designated time during my week that I can call work time.  It has been great.  Jackson is just thriving at school.  He is such a social butterfly anyway and so he gets to be around kids his age, which is perfect.  He also loves to learn.  If there is something right now that he is obsessed over, it is his ABC's.  He knows about 4 ABC songs which he sings OVER and OVER!! He loves the sounds of the letters, which he goes through the house saying OVER and OVER.  And he loves finding all the words he can that start with each letter.  I took him to pick out a toy about a month ago, and what did he want, flash cards!  I took him the other day to pick out something and he chose an ABC puzzle.  Oh, my little book nerd.  He is so fun and talks so much that I am laughing and exhausted all at the same time.  He loves to quiz me all day long.  'Momma, what letter sounds like 'duh'?  He shouts 'D!!!' before I ever have a chance to answer. 'Momma, what words start with 'g'?  gorilla...what else, else....goose.'  This is ALL day.  You can imagine my relief that school brings. :)  He really is so fun and I am so thankful that I get to watch him grow up and learn.

My other Jackson story that I love is that he loves to say the letters of the words on his flash cards so he will look at the word Dog and say, 'D...O...G..that spells dog.'  And he moves on to the next word.  Well he got to X-ray and he says, 'X....and looking at the dash, he puts his finger on his face, furrows his brow and says, 'hmmmm? and then finishes R...A...Y.   It was so funny! He had no idea what that dash was so now whenever I ask him to spell X-Ray, he spells it 'X....'hmmmm?'...R...A....Y.  Haha!  I don't want to tell him that it is a dash cuz the way he does it is just so dang cute!!!
Well, I had to get these little gems of my life on my blog so when my memory fades, these memories will still be here.

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