Thursday, May 13, 2010

2 and 1/2

Oh, what to say about my sweet Jackson Boo? He is growing up very fast and seeming to gain personality by the bucketfuls! He is just such a little person now, not a baby. I know everyone talks about missing the baby stage and all that, but honestly I must say I am so happy growing in the stages that he grows. I am LOVING this stage he is in...minus the fits, tantrums and NO!'s that are very common these days. In honor of my little boy almost being 2 1/2 I thought I would blog about some 'favorites'. So, lets just get to it:

His Favorite Things To Do: playing at the park and playing games on the computer
His Favorite Places To Go: Chucky Cheese tops the list followed closely by anything outside involving water
His Favorite Foods: 'N&N's' (as he calls them), cookies, and cream of wheat
His Favorite Phrases: After someone sneezes.....'You don't sound so good.'
When I'm giving him something like M&Ms...'I sure hope we have enough!'
Before every nap....'No Momma its not nap time, its PLAY time!'
He also loves quoting the Bible verse I taught him, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart." however, he follows it with ' you don't have to be scared of that gorilla.' He isn't a fan of the gorillas right now.

Those are a few of his favorites for now. I'm sure there will be more to blog later. Thanks for reading.

1 comment:

jessica Williams said...

What a sweetie! We love all that is Jackson!