Wednesday, April 23, 2008

The Softball Field Meltdown

Oh what a lovely outing Jackson and I had wednesday! If you couldn't tell, that statement was dripping with sarcasm. We went to Joey's softball game because it was the early game at 6:30pm and Jackson had a meltdown. We started out ok, but a good twenty minutes in we had probably too much stimulation and not enough sleep which equaled a good crying fit. I tried to calm him down, but when that wouldn't work I tried to just duck out gracefully, but Jackson was having none of that. He cried all the way to the car, he screamed the whole way home (It felt like it took 3 hours), and once we were home he continued for a good hour. He finally wore himself out and fell asleep, bottom lip out and all. What a rough night. So, what have I learned from this. Well, I like to pick apart these little, I like to call them "episodes", to discover something useful, a gem if you will, to learn from. Here are the things I learned at the Softball fields,
#3 You can't reason with a 4 month old. Trust me I tried all the way home.
#2 Life throws you these "fun" moments to see if you crack under all the poor on-lookers stares
and....the #1 thing I have learned....
#1 No one at those fields will be calling anytime soon to babysit!
Enjoy the pictures. Thanks Amanda for documenting the mayhem!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

doesn't Jackson know that "there's no crying in baseball?" well, i guess it was softball. no worries then.