Saturday, August 9, 2008

One Down...Seven to Go

Eight Olympic gold medals? Really! That is so insane, but I can't wait to watch! I love routing for our athletes. Its so much fun.
I love the Olympics! Joey and I have loved watching Phelps win his first, of hopefully eight gold medals. With Joey's family, we watched the US sweep the medals in fencing, which isn't the most exciting to watch, but still cool. We also watched the women's volleyball and men's gymnastics. Did I mention...I love the Olympics! In fact, when I was about 16, I made a "things to do before I die" list, and on it is to go to the Olympics. I made a side notation that it could be either as a competitor or a spectator. I think I might have overshot with that competing thing, but I can still go watch. On 8-8-08, in honor of the opening ceremonies, we met over at Beep and Amanda's house and had our own little Olympic games. These games, however involved the Nintendo Wii. We had a few true cometitors dress the part.
Beep dressed as an Olympic boxer

Flip was an Olympic swimmer

Fran was all american with the future Olympic swimmer

We all competed in a number of events including Wii fitness balance games, snowboarding, skiing, bowling, tennis, etc. It was a blast! Thanks Beep and Amanda for letting us celebrate the Olympics at your house. Thanks Flip and Fran for making it so special!

Beep and I competing in a little Wii Fitness

Flip was competing in Wii bowling

Grandpa and Grandson time


1 comment:

Conner A. said...

Jackson will be the name to get 9 gold metals in one Olyimpic game.

Hay if you don't know who I am I'm your cousion. I got my blog it's