Thursday, June 4, 2009

Date Night

So, since I sometimes receive nasty messages about not putting Joey and I in any posts, I decided since we went on a date and dressed up, that it would be a perfect opportunity to take some pictures and post this blog. We had a great time going out to eat and walking around Parker Square. It is an outdoor area close to my parents house with awesome shops, restaurants, and lucky for us they were having a live band play in the gazebo while tons of people hung out with lawn chairs and blankets. It was great! We people watched for a while and loved listening to the music. Thanks Joey for a great date! And thanks mom and dad for watching the baby!

1 comment:

A&W said...

looking super-cute as always!! I was just thinking about Parker Square the other day, and how I want to take Aaron there for a date!! Glad it was so fun!