Wednesday, July 22, 2009

A Little Pizazz

I am always loving to blog on the nonsense that I dream up, so jump on this crazy ship and try not to drown. Ok... You know when you find something that just adds a little sparkle, or a little pizazz, maybe just a little umph to your day? Well, I found a new one.

                                                my new blue shoes!!!!

I never imagined that these shoes would transform me, but in a weird kinda way they do. I put them on and I feel a little more confident and a little more sassy. I am not one to wear colorful shoes because they are too out there for me. They cause people to notice, and I tend to like to stay in the background with my brown or black shoes and blend into the nice khaki walls. Now, these shoes really are just navy when you get to the nitty gritty and if you know anything about navy, it really is just a neutral anyway, but I don't want to ruin my extremely "exotic" shoe story. So, anyway all you ladies out there reading this, go buy yourselves some fun colored shoes if you don't already have some.  They make you feel spunky and fun.  If you're like me and scared of color, start with navy.  You don't have to jump to hot pink or lipstick red.  Just find a color that isn't white, black or brown or a variation of any of the three. 
This brings me to my theory. 
I think you can tell alot about someone by their shoes.  In fact lets do a little test. 
Answer the following questions:
1. Do you have at least one pair of fun colored shoes*?
*These shoes can NOT have been worn as a bridesmaid or for halloween.
2. Do you have at least 3 pair of fun colored shoes?
3. Do you actually WEAR the shoes?
If you answered yes to one of these questions you are, SASSY
If you answered yes to two of these questions you are, SUPER SASSY
If you answered yes to all three questions you are, CRAZY WITH A CAPITAL C and I wanna hang out with you!
Seriously, let me know if I was right or way wrong.  Because I think if you are super outgoing you have probably at least two pairs of bright colored shoes in your closet.  
Whats in your closet?
 Oh yeah, and I loved mine so much I figured Jackson needed some too, hence the big pic at the top of my blog!  

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