Thursday, January 14, 2010

Deserted Island

I just got inspired to do this game after watching The Office the other day. It was the one where Ryan burned his pita and the fire department was called so they all played the desert island game where they had to choose what they would bring if they were on a deserted island. Anyway, I thought it would be fun, so here we go.....
I would love to hear your desert island picks as well!
If you could only bring 3 book to the island what would they be?

The Bible by: God
Jungle Sunrise by: Jonathan Williams
Dear John by: Nicholas Sparks

Now I explain. The first one is pretty self explanatory. It is a must have and the only must have for me.
The second is the book my incredibly talented brother in law wrote. It will be out in stores in March, so seriously you HAVE to read it. It is action/adventure/romance and just amazing all wrapped up into one book! Go Here to check it out.
(Johnny, what did you think about that plug?)
The last one is just the latest of the Nicholas Sparks books I have read and it is a 'just get lost in a sweet romance' type book . Never gets old.

If you could only bring 5 movies to the island what would they be?

Oceans Eleven
Sixteen Candles
Christmas Vacation

I will explain. I love Ocean's Eleven which I never get tired of. Sixteen Candles is just a classic. Grease, what is not to love about a love story where everyone spontaneously breaks into song and dance. Gladiator, cause I needed an action movie and it is awesome. And Christmas Vacation because though it is a christmas movie, it is probably my favorite comedy. And, it wouldn't hurt to try to feel the christmas spirit year round since I am stuck out in the middle of nowhere.

Well, these are the only things I can think of right now, but I will try to think of some more cause this game is fun. Let me know what your picks would be.


Unknown said...

what a sister-in-law! great plug! hope no one who takes your advice and buys the book will be disappointed and then blame you.


Darrell B said...

Desert Island Survival for Dummies
Boat Building for Dummies
Cancun Tourist Guide

Blues Brothers
Burn After Reading
The Usual Suspects
Girls Gone Wild - Spring Break 2002 Box Set