Wednesday, July 15, 2009

I Love Being Creative

It has been fun playing around with my pictures and with photoshop to create "art". I guess you can call it art, although it is so subjective. I never in a million years thought I would have an art show, but I guess I will. It technically is a photography art show, so much different than other mediums. I can't draw. I can't paint. I have zero abilities to sculpt anything, so this really would be my only opportunity to express myself with "art". I will post when the date is officially set for the art show and give yall all the details.
I know I have posted before about being creative, but it just is so great to find ways to express yourself and to just imagine something and make it happen.

I call this picture....."sunflower" he he he.....super creative huh? Come on...I told you I'm not good at this art stuff.

So anyway, find yourself a creative outlet, it really helps when you are stressed. After my previous softball male bashing post I got alot of creativity out! He...he...


Unknown said...

I think it is amazing. I want it in my much?

Nicole kraus said...

1 MILLION DOLLARS! I know I said I wasn't great, but I aint cheap!

Nicole kraus said...

oh yeah, and by the way....what house? The imaginary two story lake house with the pool? he he he. You know I love you.

Nicole kraus said...

hey! I want it and I'll give you 2 million (I may need a hefty advance on the salary we will be earning through photography Nicole, but it should be doable right?)

tomarlow said...

so something good did come out of my acrobatic activity over homeplate!! glad to see i was able to provide some motivation and inspiration!! haha!

so i'm thinking i really, really, really like your art....and yes it is art. but i'm thinking you should just take pity on me because i'm your friend and just give me the darn thing....think of it as an investment...i would proudly display it...have people over to see would be a huge selling point for you...get your foot into the north texas/texoma could work!

Nicole kraus said...

April....I think you might be on to something. I do want to get my foot in the door. I tell you what, if Joey doesn't buy it for 1 million dollars, than its yours!


kveton said...

as far as i can remember, you can make a damn cool mobile! and some sweet stuff with paper mache!